Customer Area | Front End
Display full breadcrumps path for article sections
Viewing the full crumb trail allows you to pinpoint the exact location of the page the user is currently in, and clicking on a selected "crumb" will take the user to the desired section
Administrator Panel | Back Office
Display information about the time zone (GMT) to which the settings on the page are applied
GMT -Universal Time
Usprawnienia oraz naprawione błędy:
- Admin Panel (Backoffice) | Static pages - Improved retrieval of H1 header attribute for SEO
- In the admin panel (Backoffice) | Campaigns - Displaying the actual number of products that meet the conditions of a promotion
- Customer Area (Front End) |The ability to open product categories in a new tab from any level of the page
- Mobile version - fixed bug with displaying options in the tab "invoices and wz documents" on tablets
- Fixed bug with importing some types of photos
- Improved display of name and information on the product tab in the grid view
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