Administrator panelu administracyjnego | BackOffice
Ability to generate Good Issued Notes
Functionality allows to create Good Issued Notes documents from the order level in backoffice.
After generating the Good Issued Notes document we will be redirected to the created Good Issued Note page.
⚠️ Attention!
The mentioned functionalities require configuring additional necessary elements,
therefore it is not possible to test them fully at this time and errors may occur.
Ability to generate an Adjustment to Good Issued Notes
The functionality allows you to generate an adjustment to a Good Issued Notes document.
To make an adjustment to a Good Issued Note, select Adjust Good Issued Note on the view of the selected Good Issued Note.
You can correct by entering the quantity by which you want to INCREASE
the quantity being corrected.
Do not enter negative quantities during the correction.
Attention! The Draft Good Issued Note cannot be adjusted.
In order to access the Good Issue Note adjustments you need to:
1. Log in to Backoffice
2. Go to the "Delivery note"
3. Go to the "Good Issue Note Adjustments"
⚠️ Attention!
The mentioned functionalities require configuring additional necessary elements,
therefore it is not possible to test them fully at this time and errors may occur.
Ability to generate Good Issue Note draft
The download list is a draft Good Issue Note from which a finished/approved Good Issue Note
can be generated.
In order to generate a Good Issue Note from the download list, all products must be selected
(see picture below).
When you create a Good Issue Note, the Draft Good Issue Note is automatically deleted.
To access the Good Issue Note draft, you must:
1. Log in to Backoffice
2. Go to the "Good Issue Note" segment
3. Go to the "Good Issue Note draft" tab
- Create adjustments to created Good Issued Note
Added the ability to create corrections (Good Issued Notes correct) to created Good Issued Note documents.
Attention! Only accepted (invoiced) Good Issued Note documents can be corrected.
⚠️ Attention!
The mentioned functionalities require configuring additional necessary elements,
therefore it is not possible to test them fully at this time and errors may occur.
Changing the order view in Backoffice
1. Several additional options have been added to the order in Backoffice:
2. Added options:
GENERATE Draft Good Issue Note - with this option you can generate a preliminary - unapproved Good Issue Note
At this stage, you can reduce the quantity of goods.
Approval of the collection list (Good Issued Note draft) generates a ready Good Issued Note
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