Creating tasks
In this article you will learn what possibilities the task function introduces for operators and traders. The new task function will allow you to better organize the tasks and activities that a trader or customer needs to perform.
Wondering how task creation can help you?
Each trader and operator can create tasks for themselves, which can be related to many topics, including: orders, offers, customer, themselves or their colleagues. Thanks to the tasks tab, the salesman can view all his unread tasks and by selecting a customer he can view all tasks assigned to the selected order or offer. With tasks, salespeople can leave comments to help optimize their work.
- Ability to create task categories - by creating a task category, we can create a dynamic form using JSON, the form can contain textarea, input, checkbox fields, the form is available to complete when selecting a specific category when creating a task. The user can also preview a sample JSON of the default form,
- Edit Task Categories,
- Task Category List View,
Creating a category is done in the dictionaries > task categories > add task categories tab.
At the stage of creating a category, we need to define the ID and name, and if the category is to contain more information, using the sample JSON file, create the form we are interested in.
- Task creation,
- Edit task,
- Task list view,
- Filtering the task list (Assigned to: task category, status, observer, author, start date, end date, unread),
- Searching tasks by title/number,
When adding tasks, we need to select the category we are interested in and complete the data to give us all the information about the case. After the completed links, we can add a comment for ourselves or other traders. In the upper right corner we select the status of the task completion.
In addition, the user can create a task anywhere on the backoffice.
- Mechanism of unread tasks (when a task is created and assigned to an operator, then the operator sees such tasks in the list in bold, you can also filter by unread tasks list),
- An envelope icon has been added to the navigation bar indicating how many unread tasks an operator has, clicking on it redirects to the task list with an active filter by operator and unread tasks,
- Ability to easily interleave a task between operators,
- Ability to add comments to a task, edit and delete them,
- Adding links in tasks: Customer, Quote, Order, Warehouse Document, Sales Document, Link,
Ability to set task statuses (New, TO DO, Closed, in progress, to verify, done), - Display a list of tasks with a given context, e.g. Display all tasks linked to a customer or a selected offer,
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