What is the new functionality?
On the basis of an request for quotation, an offer is automatically created which a salesman can modify, approve or send to another entity. The merchant can configure the offer, change the price on selected products or suggest substitutes directly in the administration panel. The request for quotation created by the client is directed to the merchant's administration panel directly from the store platform.
CLIENT - has the ability to create an "Request for quotation"
TRADER - creates a special "Offer" based on it
Why is this so important for a company operating in B2B?
The solution brings benefits for both the client and the merchant. The automation of the price negotiation process is very important and gives many new opportunities. It allows you to reach more customers, increases and accelerates sales and relieves the trader and organizes his work.
In B2B it is an innovative solution, but very useful. It allows you to streamline the entire process, which is beneficial to both the salesman and the customer.
Benefits for the salesman
- Quickly change the price to the one he would like to offer the customer
- List of inquiries and offers from all customers in one place
- Possibility to filter items on the listing and products directly on the document
- Option to transfer an offer to another merchant (choice of entity from the list)
- Possibility to copy a given offer also for another client
- Comments received from the customer are directly on the quotation request
- Customer service in a short period of time
- Possibility to serve more customers than in the case of telephone sales
- Transmission of an offer created by a salesperson directly to the customer
Benefits for the customer
- Easy to contact the salesperson
- The customer can make an offer at any time
- Creation of an inquiry in the form of a shopping list
- Certainty that the inquiry has reached the merchant
- Contact with the merchant directly on the inquiry
- Feedback after creating an offer
How to use it?
Actions on the customer side
Submission of a "Request for Quotation" by a customer.
- The customer adds products to the shopping cart.
- After selecting all the items needed, goes to "Address Details"
- Receives a message:
- Proceeds to the "Summary" tab.
- After selecting the delivery method and payment method, he can choose between two options:
- If the customer selects "Make a quote request" He receives a message (example):
- He can see the quote request in his customer account.
Actions on the merchant's side
Receipt of an "Offer" by the merchant, automatically created on the basis of the submitted "Request for Quotation".
- A trader has to go to the administration panel and log in to his account
- In the side menu, choose tab: Sales -> Requests for Quotations
- There he shall see the list of inquiries created by the customers.
- The list can be filtered by the creation date.
- For each inquiry, an offer linked to the inquiry is created.
- A created offer which has not been accepted yet gets the "Draft" status.
- Offers are sorted - newest offers are at the top. You can also filter them, e.g. by status.
- The data on the offer can be modified:
Salesman has the ability to change the price. He can do this in two places
- After selecting products with a checkbox:
- By checking the box directly on the product:
The salesman's can modify price by:
- changing the margin
- adding a discount
- setting a new price
After going to edit the price, the merchant should check the checkbox with the product on which he wants to change the price or check all of them collectively if he wants to change the price on all products. Then the "Apply" button shall be pressed. The price can also be changed directly on the product, without using checkboxes, e.g:
- checkbox*
9. Offer in DRAFT status
The merchant can add products from the store available in the panel to the draft offer.
This would be useful if the merchant wanted to replace a product with one available in the offer, because the customer would ask for a replacement.
A list of products created in xlsx, xls, csv file can be added to the offer in draft status (similarly to the shopping cart in the merchant's panel). The list can also be exported to a file.
An action which can be performed by a salesperson is also an option to copy a given offer to another client. If we want to provide the next client with the same products at the same price - this operation will make the work much more efficient. The copied offer is opened in a new tab and can be processed as a separate order.
10.Changing the status of an offer
Several actions can be performed on an offer:
New version of the offer - allows you to change the status of the offer back to DRAFT status
Cancel offer - the offer is still visible on the offer list, but it receives the CANCELLED status
Reserve products - the customer has a possibility to reserve products for the time defined in the configuration.
Internal transfer - Allows the offer to be transferred between operators. This functionality is needed when a logged-in operator does not have permission to accept an offer.
Send for validation - This functionality is required when a logged-in operator does not have permission to accept an offer.
Reject offer - this feature changes offer status to CANCELLED.
11. Creating an offer by the merchant himself.
If a customer places an order by other means than e-shop, it is possible for the merchant to make an offer for him/her on his/her own.
The merchant shall then use the store in the panel and create a shopping cart there. The shopping cart shall be converted into an offer. The further procedure is the same as in the case of an offer created by a customer. The merchant's offer shall also be visible in the list of "Offers" and "Requests for quotation".
12.Accepting the offer.
Before the offer is approved, the salesperson can add a note to it in the "Comments" field if he/she wants to.
If the offer has already been prepared, is consistent with the customer's requirements, and the salesperson approves it - it should be accepted:
If it is a logged-in person's offer, it is enough for him to confirm the selection after opening the list of merchants. If the offer is addressed to someone else, select that person on the list and forward the document to him/her.
The offer is then forwarded to the customer:
The status changes to OFFERED, and the merchant creates a chance to win:
When the above button is clicked, the offer goes to WON status.
13. Order Summary.
After the merchant has won the offer, he can complete the order in the same way as he would do when creating a cart in the admin panel, i.e:
- He can change the warehouse from which the goods are to be delivered.
- He chooses the method of delivery and the address to which the shipment is to be delivered.
- You can add comments to your order.
- After entering all data, he can proceed to the order.
- Next, he is directed to the summary, where he has to choose the method of payment.
- After choosing it, the "Place order" button is highlighted and he places the order.
Additional information
- In order to make the possibility of creating a "Request for Quotation" available to customers, a configuration has to be carried out in the administration panel:
Configurations -> RFQ
Fill in all the data and update it. All "Update" tiles should be highlighted in orange.
- The customer can rename the statuses assigned to the bids. To do so, he has to head to:
Configurations -> Dictionaries -> Offer Statuses
By editing a field, you can change the name of the label that will be displayed on the listing according to your preferences.
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