The ONe platform allows you to have multiple points of sale (e.g., stores), known as Branches of the company.
The Branch is staffed by the company's employees, most often salespeople and warehousemen.
Each branch can have several warehouses assigned to it, where one is the sales warehouse for customers and additional warehouses that are used, for example, for handling complaints or investments.
Employees (Operators) are assigned to a branch to clearly indicate in which branch they work and from which warehouses they can make sales. Employees are required to take care of customers assigned to their branch.
Customers can be assigned to a branch where they frequently purchase goods in order to have their own supervisor and better business conditions, i.e. price list.
The credit limit and the payment term are customer parameters set by a supervisor from the branch.
The ability to assign a customer to a branch allows you to configure different customer service policies:
- If the customer does not have any Branch assigned, then the customer can make purchases at any Branch selecting any form of payment
- If the customer has a branch assigned, there are two options:
1. Under trade credit, the customer can make purchases only at assigned branches, and under other forms of payment - at any branch.
2. Under trade credit and any other form of payment, it can only make purchases at assigned branches.
Additional information:
- Branch will be used to grant document review privileges to Users i.e. access to documents of their own branch or documents of the whole company.
- Branch is an important business filter. It will be used to show orders/WZ/FV/Customers etc. of a particular branch.
- Branch number will be a part of the numbering of documents (cart, offer, order, ZS, WZ, FV and adjustment documents).
- The branch will be remembered on all sales documents (cart, offer, order, ZS, WZ, FV and adjustment documents).
- Sales configurations logically linked to the branch:
Configuration 1 : Ability to make purchases: from all branches or
only from branches assigned to a customer
Configuration 2 : Possibility to sell on credit limit: from all branches
only from branches assigned to a customer
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